Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Learning to be a gymnastics coach is like learning to use a computer. A computer is a complex instrument affected by many variables and interactive systems, defined by strange terminology and jargons and forever changing and updating on a daily basis. A bit like a gymnast! And us elders of society who can remember trying to learn how to master the secret rituals of computing can empathise with apprentice gymnastic coaches. You become desperate for help finding it in the usual places of books, magazines, and IT tutors but sometimes finding you can learn just as much from a child, an enthusiastic Amateur and better still teenager But we must keep our eyes open and be prepared to try things out and see if hey work, press a few buttons and see what happens.

I have often found new and unexpected ways to teach gymnastics from examining Assistant Coaches and I have certainly learned a lot from the performers I coach .New methods need to be assimilated into our systems but this sometimes leads to compatibility problems.

Traditionally ‘eastern and western’ nations have produced top class performers from systems as different and incompatible as PC’s and Apple Macs. Can the systems learn from each other and possibly merge ? of course they can. The mistake is to assume that one system is naturally superior to the other. Bring together the advantages of both and discard the disadvantages. Never assume that something is right without testing it. (Imagine The rigorous testing of new programs at Microsoft – and they still come out with problems.!)

I am constantly on the lookout for different sources to bring you a range of coaching methods and tips. But it is up to you, the Coach, to see if they are compatible with your system or do you need to update and change (or maybe you just need a faster processor ).,

All I am saying is that getting comfortable with your coaching can mean that you are missing out on far more effective ways of developing your gymnasts. You should constantly challenge what you do and think.

Unfortunately, unlike computers that have an army of extremely intelligent boffins trying to make life constantly easier for us by making them more user friendly, the opposite is true of gymnasts. As time passes, the gymnast software becomes increasingly more difficult to use and manipulate. Controls become ever more subtle and difficult to implement and the software is increasingly more susceptible to the viruses of modern ( I am sure you can fill these in by yourself! )

Malaysian coaches developing our young talented gymnasts must take heed now before we fall seriously behind.



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