Sunday, January 9, 2011

WHAT IS ARTISTRY in Gymnastics ?

Article 5.4 in the Code of Points for Women’s Artistic Gymnastics

E- Score 10.00 points (Performance)
For perfection of execution, combination and artistry of presentation, the
gymnast may earn a score of 10.00 Points.
The E- Score includes deductions for faults in:
– Execution
– Artistry of presentation

Let me ask you, “ Just what is artistry ?” How do we Judge it ?
According to the dictionary Art is the ‘activity of creating beautiful things’. But art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Well, here are a few ideas to help the beholders !

The new Code of Points describe artistry of presentation as showing three qualities; projection of
personal style, focus, and expression ; femininity, beauty, and elegance; entertainment value.
I would like to use the following phrase to describe artistry; movements appear effortless; movements are expressive; head, arm, and hand gestures are completed at the end of movements; the gymnasts performs without seeming embarrassed by the movement; the performance is stylish; it’s slow and beautiful when it’s supposed to be slow; it’s light and airy when that is the mood being portrayed; it’s quick and cute when that is the image being projected.

One way to train your eye to recognize artistic movements is to observe art in action. Education/arts channels from public television in most locations broadcast professional dance and theatre productions. Notice the way these professional express themselves in movement, use gesture to accent a movement, complete every move, and extend their lines. Contrast what you see from professionals with what you see when you judge. While a few gymnasts achieve professional dance levels, comparisons with professional dancers will help to train your eye for artistic performance. I was surprised to watch a dance performance on television and saw a beam routine performed by a dancer! The movements were precise, appeared effortless, unquestionably recognizable, flowing, and elegant. Watchig this sequence performed so superbly helped me to see the art and the artistry.

Artistry deductions in gymnastics are helpful in distinguishing performances among athletes. As Judges, we need to train our eye to recognize and reward artistic performance. Take some time to watch dance performances on television, attend live professional dance performances, or sit in on dance and theatre rehearsals in your community and, most importantly, BEHOLD!

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Live the Present
Dream the Future

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